Download MegaCLI/StorCLI from
- Unzip archive
1 % unzip -d StorCLI
2 Archive:
3 inflating: StorCLI/1.18.05_StorCLI.txt
4 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/EFI/
5 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/EFI/license.txt
6 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/EFI/storcli.efi
7 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/EFI/UDK/
8 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/EFI/UDK/license.txt
9 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/EFI/UDK/storcli.efi
10 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/FreeBSD/
11 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/FreeBSD/FreeBSD_readme.txt
12 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/FreeBSD/license.txt
13 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/FreeBSD/storcli.tar
14 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/FreeBSD/storcli64.tar
15 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux/
16 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux/license.txt
17 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux/LINUX_Readme.txt
18 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux/storcli-1.18.05-1.noarch.rpm
19 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-OEL-Sparc/
20 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-OEL-Sparc/license.txt
21 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-OEL-Sparc/storcli64-1.18.05-1.sparc64.rpm
22 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/
23 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/Big Endian/
24 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/Big Endian/license.txt
25 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/Big Endian/storcli.tar
26 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/Little Endian/
27 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/Little Endian/license.txt
28 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/Little Endian/Readme.txt
29 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Linux-ppc/Little Endian/storcli64_1.18.05_ppc64el.deb
30 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Solaris/
31 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Solaris/license.txt
32 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Solaris/SOLARIS_Readme.txt
33 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Solaris/storcli.pkg
34 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Ubuntu/
35 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Ubuntu/read_me.txt
36 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Ubuntu/storcli_1.18.05_all.deb
37 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware/
38 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware/license.txt
39 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware/read_me.txt.txt
40 extracting: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware/
41 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-MN/
42 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-MN/license.txt
43 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-MN/VMWARE_MN_Readme.txt
44 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-MN/vmware-esx-storcli-1.18.05.vib
45 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-NDS/
46 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-NDS/license.txt
47 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-NDS/VMWARE_MN_NDS_Readme.txt
48 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Vmware-NDS/vmware-esx-storcli-1.18.05.vib
49 creating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Windows/
50 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Windows/license.txt
51 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Windows/storcli.exe
52 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Windows/storcli64.exe
53 inflating: StorCLI/storcli_all_os/Windows/WIN_ReadMe.txt
List contents of rpm-package
- Copy rpm to remote server
- Install rpm
getting started
Change Directory to install path
Understand CLI
- x can be a number or "all"
- /cx Controller specific commands
- /ex Enclosure specific commands
- /sx Slot/PD specific commands
- /vx Virtual drive specific commands
- /dx Disk group specific commands
- /fall Foreign configuration specific commands
- /px Phy specific commands
- /[bbu|cv] Battery Backup Unit, Cachevault commands
Get my specific help for
controler 0 -> /c0
virtual disk 0 -> /v0
enclosure 64 -> /e64
1 [root@eexora-acc01s storcli]# ./storcli64 help | sed 's#^storcli#./storcli64#;s#/cx#/c0#g;s#/vx#/v0#g;s#/ex#/e64#g'
2 Storage Command Line Tool Ver 1.18.05 Nov 10, 2015
4 (c)Copyright 2015, AVAGO Corporation, All Rights Reserved.
7 ./storcli64 -v
8 ./storcli64 -h| -help| ?
9 ./storcli64 -h| -help| ? legacy
10 ./storcli64 show
11 ./storcli64 show all
12 ./storcli64 show ctrlcount
13 ./storcli64 show file=<filepath>
14 ./storcli64 /c0 add vd r[0|1|5|6|00|10|50|60]
15 [Size=<VD1_Sz>,<VD2_Sz>,..|all] [name=<VDNAME1>,..]
16 drives=e:s|e:s-x|e:s-x,y,e:s-x,y,z [PDperArray=x][SED]
17 [pdcache=on|off|default][pi][DimmerSwitch(ds)=default|automatic(auto)|
18 none|maximum(max)|MaximumWithoutCaching(maxnocache)][WT|WB|AWB][nora|ra]
19 [direct|cached] [cachevd] [Strip=<8|16|32|64|128|256|512|1024>]
20 [AfterVd=X] [EmulationType=0|1|2] [Spares = [e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y]
21 [force][ExclusiveAccess] [Cbsize=0|1|2 Cbmode=0|1|2|3|4|7]
22 ./storcli64 /c0 add vd each r0 [name=<VDNAME1>,..] [drives=e:s|e:s-x|e:s-x,y]
23 [SED] [pdcache=on|off|default][pi] [DimmerSwitch(ds)=default|
24 automatic(auto)|none|maximum(max)|MaximumWithoutCaching(maxnocache)]
25 [WT|WB|AWB] [nora|ra] [direct|cached] [EmulationType=0|1|2]
26 [Strip=<8|16|32|64|128|256|512|1024>] [ExclusiveAccess]
27 [Cbsize=0|1|2 Cbmode=0|1|2|3|4|7]
28 ./storcli64 /c0 add VD cachecade|nytrocache r[aid][0,1,10, 1EC]
29 drives = [e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y [WT|WB] [assignvds = 0,1,2]
31 ./storcli64 /c0 add VD cachecade|nytrocache slice r[aid][0,1]
32 size=<x> [name=<NytroCacheName>] drives= [e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y
33 [WT|WB][assignvds = 0,1,2]
34 size=[<VD1_Sz>,<VD2_Sz>,..] [name=<VDNAME1>,..] [WT|WB] [nora|ra]
35 [direct|cached] [CachedBadBBU|NoCachedBadBBU]
36 [Strip=<8|16|32|64|128|256|512|1024>] [AfterVd=X]
37 [Spares = [e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y] [force]
38 ./storcli64 /c0/e64 show
39 ./storcli64 /c0/e64 show all
40 ./storcli64 /c0/e64 show status
41 ./storcli64 /c0/e64 show phyerrorcounters
42 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 del [cachecade] [discardcache] [force]
43 ./storcli64 /c0 delete events
44 ./storcli64 /c0 show events [[type= <sincereboot| sinceshutdown| includedeleted|
45 latest=x| ccincon vd=<0,1,...>] filter=<[info],[warning],[critical],[fatal]>
46 file=<filepath> [logfile[=filename]]
47 ./storcli64 /c0 show eventloginfo
48 ./storcli64 /c0 show health [all]
49 ./storcli64 /c0 delete securitykey
50 ./storcli64 /c0 set securitykey=xxxxxxxx {passphrase=xxxx} {keyid=xxx}
51 ./storcli64 /c0 start Diag Duration=<Val>
52 ./storcli64 /c0 set securitykey keyid=xxx
53 ./storcli64 /c0 compare securitykey=xxxxxxxxxx
54 ./storcli64 /c0 set termlog[=on|off|offthisboot]
55 ./storcli64 /c0 show termlog [type=config|contents] [logfile[=filename]]
56 ./storcli64 /c0 delete termlog
57 ./storcli64 /c0 set securitykey=xxxxxxxx oldsecuritykey=xxxxxxxx
58 {passphrase=xxxx} {keyid=xxx}
59 ./storcli64 /c0 set sesmonitoring[=on|off]
60 ./storcli64 /c0 show sesmonitoring
61 ./storcli64 /c0 set failpdonsmarterror[=on|off]
62 ./storcli64 /c0 show failpdonsmarterror
63 ./storcli64 /c0/dx show
64 ./storcli64 /c0/dall show cachecade
65 ./storcli64 /c0/dx show all
66 ./storcli64 /c0/dall show mirror
67 ./storcli64 /c0/dall split mirror
68 ./storcli64 /c0/dall add mirror src=<val> [force]
69 ./storcli64 /c0 show freespace
70 ./storcli64 /c0/fall show [all] [securityKey = xxx]
71 ./storcli64 /c0/fall del|delete [securityKey = xxx]
72 ./storcli64 /c0/fall import [preview] [securityKey = xxx]
73 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set ssdcaching=on|off
74 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set hidden=on|off
75 ./storcli64 /c0/dx set hidden=on|off
76 ./storcli64 /c0/dx set security=on
77 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show expansion
78 ./storcli64 /c0 show fshinting
79 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set fshinting=<value>
80 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 expand Size=<xx> [expandarray]
81 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show
82 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show all
83 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx start rebuild
84 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx stop rebuild
85 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx pause rebuild
86 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx resume rebuild
87 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show rebuild
88 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show health
89 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show smart
90 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx start copyback target=e:s
91 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx stop copyback
92 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx pause copyback
93 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx resume copyback
94 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx reset phyerrorcounters
95 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show copyback
96 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show phyerrorcounters
97 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx start initialization
98 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx stop initialization
99 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show initialization
100 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx start locate
101 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx stop locate
102 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show securitykey keyid
103 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx add hotsparedrive [DGs=<N|0,1,2...>] [enclaffinity]
104 [nonrevertible]
105 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx delete hotsparedrive
106 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx spinup
107 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx spindown
108 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx set online
109 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx set offline
110 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx set missing
111 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx set jbod
112 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx set security=on
113 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx set good [force]
114 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx insert dg=A array=B row=C
115 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set emulationType=0|1|2
116 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set cbsize=0|1|2 cbmode=0|1|2|3|4|7
117 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set wrcache=WT|WB|AWB
118 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set rdcache=RA|NoRA
119 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set iopolicy=Cached|Direct
120 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set accesspolicy=RW|RO|Blocked|RmvBlkd
121 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set pdcache=On|Off|Default
122 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set name=<NameString>
123 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set HostAccess=ExclusiveAccess|SharedAccess
124 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set ds=Default|Auto|None|Max|MaxNoCache
125 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set autobgi=On|Off
126 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set pi=Off
127 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show
128 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show all [logfile[=filename]]
129 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show init
130 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show cc
131 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show erase
132 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show migrate
133 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show bgi
134 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show autobgi
135 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show trim
136 ./storcli64 /c0 set consistencycheck|cc=[off|seq|conc] [delay=value]
137 starttime=yyyy/mm/dd hh] [excludevd=x-y,z]
138 ./storcli64 /c0 show cc|consistencycheck
139 ./storcli64 /c0 show ocr
140 ./storcli64 /c0 set ocr=<on|off>
141 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 start init[Full][Force]
142 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 start erase [simple|normal|thorough|standard][patternA=<val>]
143 [patternB=<val>]
144 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 start cc[Force]
145 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 start migrate type=raidx [option=add|remove
146 drives=[e:]s|[e:]s-x|[e:]s-x,y] [Force]
147 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 stop init
148 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 stop erase
149 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 stop cc
150 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 stop bgi
151 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 pause cc
152 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 pause bgi
153 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 resume cc
154 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 resume bgi
155 ./storcli64 /c0 show
156 ./storcli64 /c0 show all [logfile[=filename]]
157 ./storcli64 /c0 show preservedcache
158 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 delete preservedcache[force]
159 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx download src=<filepath> [satabridge] [mode= 5|7]
160 ./storcli64 /c0/e64 download src=<filepath> [forceActivate]
161 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx secureerase [force]
162 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx start erase [simple| normal| thorough | standard| threepass]
163 [patternA=<val>] [patternB=<val>]
164 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx stop erase
165 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show erase
166 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show rawdata pageaddr=<pageaddress in hex> file=<filename>
167 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx set bootdrive=<on|off>
168 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 set bootdrive=<on|off>
169 ./storcli64 /c0 show bootdrive
170 ./storcli64 /c0 show bootwithpinnedcache
171 ./storcli64 /c0 set bootwithpinnedcache=<on|off>
172 ./storcli64 /c0 show activityforlocate
173 ./storcli64 /c0 set activityforlocate=<on|off>
174 ./storcli64 /c0 show copyback
175 ./storcli64 /c0 set copyback=<on|off> type=smartssd|smarthdd|all
176 ./storcli64 /c0 show jbod
177 ./storcli64 /c0 set jbod=<on|off> [force]
178 ./storcli64 /c0 set autorebuild=<on|off>
179 ./storcli64 /c0 set ldlimit=<default|max>
180 ./storcli64 /c0 show autorebuild
181 ./storcli64 /c0 set autopdcache=<off|[on|sscr0]|r0|wbr0> [immediate]
182 ./storcli64 /c0 show autopdcache
183 ./storcli64 /c0 show cachebypass
184 ./storcli64 /c0 set cachebypass=<on|off>
185 ./storcli64 /c0 show usefdeonlyencrypt
186 ./storcli64 /c0 set usefdeonlyencrypt=<on|off>
187 ./storcli64 /c0 show prcorrectunconfiguredareas
188 ./storcli64 /c0 set prcorrectunconfiguredareas=<on|off>
189 ./storcli64 /c0 show batterywarning
190 ./storcli64 /c0 set batterywarning=<on|off>
191 ./storcli64 /c0 show abortcconerror
192 ./storcli64 /c0 set abortcconerror=<on|off>
193 ./storcli64 /c0 show ncq
194 ./storcli64 /c0 show configautobalance
195 ./storcli64 /c0 set ncq=<on|off>
196 ./storcli64 /c0 set configautobalance=<on|off>
197 ./storcli64 /c0 show maintainpdfailhistory
198 ./storcli64 /c0 set maintainpdfailhistory=<on|off>
199 ./storcli64 /c0 show restorehotspare
200 ./storcli64 /c0 set restorehotspare=<on|off>
201 ./storcli64 /c0 set bios [state=<on|off>] [Mode=<SOE|PE|IE|SME>] [abs=<on|off>]
202 [DeviceExposure=<value>]
203 ./storcli64 /c0 show bios
204 ./storcli64 /c0 show alarm
205 ./storcli64 /c0 set alarm=<on|off|silence>
206 ./storcli64 /c0 show foreignautoimport
207 ./storcli64 /c0 set foreignautoimport=<on|off>
208 ./storcli64 /c0 show directpdmapping
209 ./storcli64 /c0 set directpdmapping=<on|off>
210 ./storcli64 /c0 show rebuildrate
211 ./storcli64 /c0 set rebuildrate=<value>
212 ./storcli64 /c0 show loadbalancemode
213 ./storcli64 /c0 set loadbalancemode=<on|off>
214 ./storcli64 /c0 show eghs
215 ./storcli64 /c0 set eghs [state=<on|off>] [eug=<on|off>] [smarter=<on|off>]
216 ./storcli64 /c0 show cacheflushint
217 ./storcli64 /c0 set cacheflushint=<value>
218 ./storcli64 /c0 show prrate
219 ./storcli64 /c0 set prrate=<value>
220 ./storcli64 /c0 show ccrate
221 ./storcli64 /c0 set ccrate=<value>
222 ./storcli64 /c0 show bgirate
223 ./storcli64 /c0 set bgirate =<value>
224 ./storcli64 /c0 show dpm
225 ./storcli64 /c0 set dpm =<on|off>
226 ./storcli64 /c0 show sgpioforce
227 ./storcli64 /c0 set sgpioforce =<on|off>
228 ./storcli64 /c0 set supportssdpatrolread =<on|off>
229 ./storcli64 /c0 show migraterate
230 ./storcli64 /c0 set migraterate=<value>
231 ./storcli64 /c0 show spinupdrivecount
232 ./storcli64 /c0 show wbsupport
233 ./storcli64 /c0 set spinupdrivecount=<value>
234 ./storcli64 /c0 show spinupdelay
235 ./storcli64 /c0 set spinupdelay=<value>
236 ./storcli64 /c0 show coercion
237 ./storcli64 /c0 set coercion=<value>
238 ./storcli64 /c0 show limitMaxRateSATA
239 ./storcli64 /c0 set limitMaxRateSATA=on|off
240 ./storcli64 /c0 show HDDThermalPollInterval
241 ./storcli64 /c0 set HDDThermalPollInterval=<value>
242 ./storcli64 /c0 show SSDThermalPollInterval
243 ./storcli64 /c0 set SSDThermalPollInterval=<value>
244 ./storcli64 /c0 show smartpollinterval
245 ./storcli64 /c0 set smartpollinterval=<value>
246 ./storcli64 /c0 show eccbucketsize
247 ./storcli64 /c0 set eccbucketsize=<value>
248 ./storcli64 /c0 show eccbucketleakrate
249 ./storcli64 /c0 set eccbucketleakrate=<value>
250 ./storcli64 /c0 show backplane
251 ./storcli64 /c0 set backplane mode=<value> expose=<on/off>
252 ./storcli64 /c0 show perfmode
253 ./storcli64 /c0 set perfmode=<value> [maxflushlines=<value> numiostoorder=<value>]
254 ./storcli64 /c0 show perfmodevalues
255 ./storcli64 /c0 show pi
256 ./storcli64 /c0 set pi [state=<on|off>] [import=<on|off>]
257 ./storcli64 /c0 show time
258 ./storcli64 /c0 set time=<yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss | systemtime>
259 ./storcli64 /c0 show ds
260 ./storcli64 /c0 set ds=OFF type=1|2|3|4
261 ./storcli64 /c0 set ds=ON type=1|2 [properties]
262 ./storcli64 /c0 set ds=ON type=3|4 DefaultLdType=<val> [properties]
263 ./storcli64 /c0 set ds [properties]
264 ./storcli64 /c0 show safeid
265 ./storcli64 /c0 show rehostinfo
266 ./storcli64 /c0 show pci
267 ./storcli64 /c0 show ASO
268 ./storcli64 /c0 set aso key=<key value> preview
269 ./storcli64 /c0 set aso key=<key value>
270 ./storcli64 /c0 set aso transfertovault
271 ./storcli64 /c0 set aso rehostcomplete
272 ./storcli64 /c0 set aso deactivatetrialkey
273 ./storcli64 /c0 set factory defaults
274 ./storcli64 /c0 download file=<filepath> [fwtype=<val>] [ResetNow] [nosigchk]
275 [noverchk] [force]
276 ./storcli64 /c0 flush|flushcache
277 ./storcli64 /c0 [start] flush|flushcache [cachecade | nytrocache | ALL]
278 ./storcli64 /c0 stop flush|flushcache cachecade|nytrocache
279 ./storcli64 /c0 show flush|flushcache cachecade|nytrocache
280 ./storcli64 /c0/px show
281 ./storcli64 /c0/px show all
282 ./storcli64 /c0/px set linkspeed=0|1.5|3|6|12
283 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu show
284 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu show all
285 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu show status
286 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu show properties
287 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu show learn
288 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu show gasgauge Offset=xxxx Numbytes=n
289 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu start learn
290 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu show modes
291 ./storcli64 /c0/bbu set [ learnDelayInterval=<val> | bbuMode=<val>
292 |learnStartTime=[DDD HH | off] | autolearnmode=<val> |
293 powermode=sleep | writeaccess=sealed ]
294 ./storcli64 /c0/cv set SCAPVPD file=<input file path> VPDPage=<SCapVPDFixed>
295 ./storcli64 /c0/cv show
296 ./storcli64 /c0/cv show all
297 ./storcli64 /c0/cv show status
298 ./storcli64 /c0/cv show learn
299 ./storcli64 /c0/cv show SCAPVPD file=<output file path> VPDPage=<SCapVPDFixed>
300 ./storcli64 /c0/cv start learn
301 ./storcli64 /c0 show securitykey keyid
302 ./storcli64 /c0 start patrolread
303 ./storcli64 /c0 stop patrolread
304 ./storcli64 /c0 pause patrolread
305 ./storcli64 /c0 resume patrolread
306 ./storcli64 /c0 show patrolRead
307 ./storcli64 /c0 show powermonitoringinfo
308 ./storcli64 /c0 show ldlimit
309 ./storcli64 /c0 set patrolread = {{on mode=<auto|manual> }|{off}}
310 ./storcli64 /c0 set patrolread [starttime=< yyyy/mm/dd hh>]
311 [maxconcurrentpd =<value>] [includessds=<on|onlymixed|off>]
312 [uncfgareas=on|off]
313 ./storcli64 /c0 set patrolread delay = <value>
314 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show diag paniclog [Query] | [ExtractSlot=x]
315 | [EraseSlot=x] [file=filepath]
316 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show diag smartlog [file=filepath]
317 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx show diag errorlog [file=filepath]
318 ./storcli64 /c0 del Nytrocache [force]
319 ./storcli64 /c0 show badblocks
320 ./storcli64 /c0 flasherase
321 ./storcli64 /c0 shutdown
322 ./storcli64 /c0/mx set mode=<Internal | External | Auto>
323 ./storcli64 /c0/mx show
324 ./storcli64 /c0 transform iMR
325 ./storcli64 /c0 restart
326 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 show BBMT
327 ./storcli64 /c0/v0 delete BBMT
328 ./storcli64 /c0[/e64]/sx start format [thorough]
329 ./storcli64 /c0 show dequeuelog file=<filepath>
330 ./storcli64 /c0 show maintenance
331 ./storcli64 /c0 set maintenance mode=normal|nodevices
332 ./storcli64 /c0 show personality
333 ./storcli64 /c0 set personality=RAID|HBA
334 ./storcli64 /c0 show jbodwritecache
335 ./storcli64 /c0 set jbodwritecache=on|off|default
336 ./storcli64 /c0 show immediateio
337 ./storcli64 /c0 show driveactivityled
338 ./storcli64 /c0 set immediateio=<on|off>
339 ./storcli64 /c0 show largeiosupport
340 ./storcli64 /c0 set largeiosupport=<on|off>
341 ./storcli64 /c0 set driveactivityled=<on|off>
342 ./storcli64 /c0 show pdfailevents [lastoneday] [lastseqnum=<val>] [file=<filepath>]
343 ./storcli64 /c0 show pdfaileventoptions
344 ./storcli64 /c0 set pdfaileventoptions [detectionType=<val>] [correctiveaction=<val>] [errorThreshold=<val>]
345 ./storcli64 /c0 show AliLog [logfile[=filename]]
346 ./storcli64 /c0 get config file=<fileName>
347 ./storcli64 /c0 set config file=<fileName>
348 ./storcli64 /c0 show flushwriteverify
349 ./storcli64 /c0 set flushwriteverify=<on|off>
350 ./storcli64 /c0/dx set transport=on/off [EDHSP=on/off] [SDHSP=on/off]
351 ./storcli64 /c0 show largeQD
352 ./storcli64 /c0 set largeQD=<on|off>
355 Note:Use 'page=[x]'as the last option in all the commands to set the page break.
356 X=lines per page. E.g. 'storcli help page=10'
gather info
Overview of controlers
1 [root@machine storcli]# ./storcli64 show all
2 Status Code = 0
3 Status = Success
4 Description = None
6 Number of Controllers = 1
7 Host Name = machine
8 Operating System = Linux2.6.32-431.29.2.el6.x86_64
10 System Overview :
11 ===============
13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 Ctl Model Ports PDs DGs DNOpt VDs VNOpt BBU sPR DS EHS ASOs Hlth
15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 0 RAIDCtrlSAS6G0/1(D2607) 8 2 1 0 1 0 Msng On 1&2 N 0 Opt
17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 Ctl=Controller Index|DGs=Drive groups|VDs=Virtual drives|Fld=Failed
20 PDs=Physical drives|DNOpt=DG NotOptimal|VNOpt=VD NotOptimal|Opt=Optimal
21 Msng=Missing|Dgd=Degraded|NdAtn=Need Attention|Unkwn=Unknown
22 sPR=Scheduled Patrol Read|DS=DimmerSwitch|EHS=Emergency Hot Spare
23 Y=Yes|N=No|ASOs=Advanced Software Options|BBU=Battery backup unit
24 Hlth=Health|Safe=Safe-mode boot
27 ASO :
28 ===
30 ----------------------------------------------------
32 ----------------------------------------------------
33 0 X U U X U X X X X X X X X X X
34 ----------------------------------------------------
36 Cl=Cluster|MD=Max Disks|WC=Wide Cache|SS=Safe Store|FP=Fast Path|Re=Recovery
37 CR=CacheCade(Read)|RF=Reduced Feature Set|CO=Cache Offload
38 CW=CacheCade(Read/Write)|X=Not Available/Not Installed|U=Unlimited|T=Trial
39 |HA=High Availability |SSHA=Single server High Availability
Overview of controler 0 -> /c0
1 [root@machine storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0 show
2 Generating detailed summary of the adapter, it may take a while to complete.
4 Controller = 0
5 Status = Success
6 Description = None
8 Product Name = RAID Ctrl SAS 6G 0/1 (D2607)
9 Serial Number =
10 SAS Address = 5003005701e6d9b0
11 PCI Address = 00:01:00:00
12 System Time = 01/15/2016 11:34:04
13 Mfg. Date = 00/00/00
14 Controller Time = 01/15/2016 10:34:27
15 FW Package Build = 20.10.1-0158
16 BIOS Version = 4.37.00_4.14.05.00_0x06000500
17 FW Version = 2.130.354-2728
18 Driver Name = megaraid_sas
19 Driver Version = 06.700.06.00-rh1
20 Vendor Id = 0x1000
21 Device Id = 0x73
22 SubVendor Id = 0x1734
23 SubDevice Id = 0x1177
24 Host Interface = PCI-E
25 Device Interface = SAS-6G
26 Bus Number = 1
27 Device Number = 0
28 Function Number = 0
29 Drive Groups = 1
32 ========
34 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 DG Arr Row EID:Slot DID Type State BT Size PDC PI SED DS3 FSpace TR
36 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 0 - - - - RAID1 Optl N 278.875 GB dsbl N N dflt N N
38 0 0 - - - RAID1 Optl N 278.875 GB dsbl N N dflt N N
39 0 0 0 64:1 4 DRIVE Onln N 278.875 GB dsbl N N dflt - N
40 0 0 1 64:0 5 DRIVE Onln N 278.875 GB dsbl N N dflt - N
41 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
43 DG=Disk Group Index|Arr=Array Index|Row=Row Index|EID=Enclosure Device ID
44 DID=Device ID|Type=Drive Type|Onln=Online|Rbld=Rebuild|Dgrd=Degraded
45 Pdgd=Partially degraded|Offln=Offline|BT=Background Task Active
46 PDC=PD Cache|PI=Protection Info|SED=Self Encrypting Drive|Frgn=Foreign
47 DS3=Dimmer Switch 3|dflt=Default|Msng=Missing|FSpace=Free Space Present
48 TR=Transport Ready
50 Virtual Drives = 1
52 VD LIST :
53 =======
55 ---------------------------------------------------------------
56 DG/VD TYPE State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC Size Name
57 ---------------------------------------------------------------
58 0/0 RAID1 Optl RW Yes NRWTD - OFF 278.875 GB
59 ---------------------------------------------------------------
61 Cac=CacheCade|Rec=Recovery|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|dgrd=Degraded
62 Optl=Optimal|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
63 Consist=ConsistentR=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
64 AWB=Always WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
65 Check Consistency
67 Physical Drives = 2
69 PD LIST :
70 =======
72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 EID:Slt DID State DG Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model Sp
74 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 64:0 5 Onln 0 278.875 GB SAS HDD N N 512B ST300MM0006 U
76 64:1 4 Onln 0 278.875 GB SAS HDD N N 512B ST300MM0006 U
77 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 EID-Enclosure Device ID|Slt-Slot No.|DID-Device ID|DG-DriveGroup
80 DHS-Dedicated Hot Spare|UGood-Unconfigured Good|GHS-Global Hotspare
81 UBad-Unconfigured Bad|Onln-Online|Offln-Offline|Intf-Interface
82 Med-Media Type|SED-Self Encryptive Drive|PI-Protection Info
83 SeSz-Sector Size|Sp-Spun|U-Up|D-Down|T-Transition|F-Foreign
84 UGUnsp-Unsupported|UGShld-UnConfigured shielded|HSPShld-Hotspare shielded
85 CFShld-Configured shielded|Cpybck-CopyBack|CBShld-Copyback Shielded
- Get physical disk info of "all" associated disks/slots to enclosure "64" on controller "0"
1 [root@machine storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0/e64/sall show
2 Controller = 0
3 Status = Success
4 Description = Show Drive Information Succeeded.
7 Drive Information :
8 =================
10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 EID:Slt DID State DG Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model Sp
12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 64:0 5 UGood - 278.875 GB SAS HDD N N 512B ST300MM0006 U
14 64:1 4 UGood - 278.875 GB SAS HDD N N 512B ST300MM0006 U
15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 EID-Enclosure Device ID|Slt-Slot No.|DID-Device ID|DG-DriveGroup
18 DHS-Dedicated Hot Spare|UGood-Unconfigured Good|GHS-Global Hotspare
19 UBad-Unconfigured Bad|Onln-Online|Offln-Offline|Intf-Interface
20 Med-Media Type|SED-Self Encryptive Drive|PI-Protection Info
21 SeSz-Sector Size|Sp-Spun|U-Up|D-Down|T-Transition|F-Foreign
22 UGUnsp-Unsupported|UGShld-UnConfigured shielded|HSPShld-Hotspare shielded
23 CFShld-Configured shielded|Cpybck-CopyBack|CBShld-Copyback Shielded
Delete virtual drive
Get virtual disk device from os
- MegaRAID-Controller is probably attached via scsi/sata to the machine
Check mounts
1 [root@machine storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0 /vall show
2 Controller = 0
3 Status = Success
4 Description = None
7 Virtual Drives :
8 ==============
10 ---------------------------------------------------------------
11 DG/VD TYPE State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC Size Name
12 ---------------------------------------------------------------
13 0/0 RAID1 Optl RW Yes NRWTD - OFF 278.875 GB
14 ---------------------------------------------------------------
16 Cac=CacheCade|Rec=Recovery|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|dgrd=Degraded
17 Optl=Optimal|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
18 Consist=ConsistentR=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
19 AWB=Always WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
20 Check Consistency
23 [root@eexora-acc01s storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0 /v0 show
24 Controller = 0
25 Status = Success
26 Description = None
29 Virtual Drives :
30 ==============
32 ---------------------------------------------------------------
33 DG/VD TYPE State Access Consist Cache Cac sCC Size Name
34 ---------------------------------------------------------------
35 0/0 RAID1 Optl RW Yes NRWTD - OFF 278.875 GB
36 ---------------------------------------------------------------
38 Cac=CacheCade|Rec=Recovery|OfLn=OffLine|Pdgd=Partially Degraded|dgrd=Degraded
39 Optl=Optimal|RO=Read Only|RW=Read Write|HD=Hidden|TRANS=TransportReady|B=Blocked|
40 Consist=ConsistentR=Read Ahead Always|NR=No Read Ahead|WB=WriteBack|
41 AWB=Always WriteBack|WT=WriteThrough|C=Cached IO|D=Direct IO|sCC=Scheduled
42 Check Consistency
44 [root@machine storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0 /v0 del
45 Controller = 0
46 Status = Success
47 Description = Delete VD succeeded
49 [root@machine storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0 /vall show
50 Controller = 0
51 Status = Success
52 Description = No VDs have been configured
Spindown disks
1 [root@machine storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0/e64/sall spindown
3 Controller = 0
4 Status = Success
5 Description = Spin Down Drive Succeeded.
6 [root@eexora-acc01s storcli]# ./storcli64 /c0/e64/sall show
7 Controller = 0
8 Status = Success
9 Description = Show Drive Information Succeeded.
12 Drive Information :
13 =================
15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
16 EID:Slt DID State DG Size Intf Med SED PI SeSz Model Sp
17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
18 64:0 5 UGood - 278.875 GB SAS HDD N N 512B ST300MM0006 D
19 64:1 4 UGood - 278.875 GB SAS HDD N N 512B ST300MM0006 D
20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 EID-Enclosure Device ID|Slt-Slot No.|DID-Device ID|DG-DriveGroup
23 DHS-Dedicated Hot Spare|UGood-Unconfigured Good|GHS-Global Hotspare
24 UBad-Unconfigured Bad|Onln-Online|Offln-Offline|Intf-Interface
25 Med-Media Type|SED-Self Encryptive Drive|PI-Protection Info
26 SeSz-Sector Size|Sp-Spun|U-Up|D-Down|T-Transition|F-Foreign
27 UGUnsp-Unsupported|UGShld-UnConfigured shielded|HSPShld-Hotspare shielded
28 CFShld-Configured shielded|Cpybck-CopyBack|CBShld-Copyback Shielded
-> Discs ready to be removed.